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If the US pre-emptive strikes North Korea how long will it take for North Korea to obliterate Seoul?

Posted - April 14, 2017


  • The idea of a pre-emptive strike would be to eliminate North Korea's capability to strike Seoul. Else, why strike?  

    Raise your hand if you feel there is a battle scenario, ditching the impotent "patient diplomacy" farce of the Obama years, that North Korea comes out on top. 
      April 14, 2017 2:25 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Could a pre-emptive strike do that Z? I mean we sent  59 Tomahawks to that Syrian Airport and the very next day they were still flying out of that location and doing the same damage they did before. So much for that! Didn't many of the Tomahawks not even reach the site? Unless you blow up the entire country I don't see how any pre-emptive strike could do as you suggest. Now I am operating from a base of total ignorance. I do not know how all of that works. But it doesn't seem logical to me that all ability to retaliate would be destroyed. As for your second paragraph I don't really understand it. Apologies. You are saying that Obama should have done the pre-emptive strike thingy and trying to maintain peace was a "farce"? I have always thought that war was the last option after all diplomatic efforts had been exhausted. Thank you for your reply. Sorry I don't get all of it!  ")
      April 15, 2017 3:54 AM MDT

  • Obama used a policy of "patient diplomacy" (his words) to try to sanction (browbeat) NK into compliance. It didn't work. It succeeded only in exacerbating the already poor conditions of the commoners. Nothing was achieved in impeding Kim's nuke program, it only further fueled their anti-US rhetoric to justify their appetite for nukes. I.e., total failed policy. 
    If we were to contemplate a pre-emptive strike it would, by necessity, have to deter or eliminate the threat to the most obvious target(s): Seoul and Japan. Considering the extreme tactical disadvantage that NK finds itself in, and Its only friend China reticent to act, its nearly comical to think that Kim believes his own hype about his ability to retaliate. He's convinced that we would invade, Why? Who wants that cesspool? 
      April 15, 2017 11:01 AM MDT